Damaris Nevarez, nineteen and seven months pregnant.
Damaris My name is Damaris Nevarez. I am nineteen years old. I’m from Puerto Rico. I am seven months pregnant.
Ok, I’m going to talk about the first time I got pregnant and why. Ok, the reason why I even tried to check if I was pregnant was because I missed my period for a whole month. It wasn’t there. I got a urinary infection with that. My mom said to me, “You’re pregnant.” I said, “No I’m not,” and she said, “Yes you are.” The first time she got pregnant with my brother she got a urinary infection too. So then I was like, “Ok let me just find out.”
So the next day I was working so my boyfriend came into work with me. When I had my break, he went to John’s pizza to get us something to eat and I went to the store, Compare. I bought a pregnancy test. He was waiting for me at John’s pizza. We ate. We were kind of quiet and we were just nervous. I was like, “Don’t worry we’re not pregnant. We’re just not.” And we went back to my work. I went straight to the bathroom. I didn’t really wait and it came back negative. It was like a relief for him, you know. Then it came out positive. I let it sit, wait a little bit, and it came out positive. And of course, I was really happy and he was too, but we were nervous cause we knew our life was going to change, and I didn’t know how other people were going to take it. I don’t really care about what other people say or my family, but they actually took it really really good.
I didn’t really wait and it came back negative. It was like a relief for him, you know. Then it came out positive. I let it sit, wait a little bit, and it came out positive. And of course, I was really happy and he was too, but we were nervous cause we knew our life was going to change, and I didn’t know how other people were going to take it.
Amanda How so?
Damaris My mom was happy. My sister was excited too. Everyone was excited. This is the first time his family is going to be grandparents and aunts and uncles. They were really excited too. So the first person I told was him, and then he called his brother and told his brother that he was going to become an uncle. It was a good day. It wasn’t bad, but it was hard to keep the secret. I wanted to keep it a secret, but I couldn’t. I wanted to tell everyone.
I was really excited. I was so happy. I couldn’t believe I was pregnant. I felt kind of good because I thought at least I’d beaten both my sisters because my first sister got pregnant when she was fourteen and the other one got pregnant when she was eighteen. I was nineteen when I got pregnant.
Amanda How do you feel at seven months pregnant?
Damaris I feel very well actually. I believe the baby has been very very good. She has never bothered me at all. Throughout my whole pregnancy I haven’t even puked. I eat a lot of food. I used to eat a lot before but not I eat a bit more. It’s been great. Even now at 7 months, it still feels great. I feel a bit bigger. It’s a little bit harder for me to move around the bed and to get up from the bed. To bend down. If I want to bend it’s a little hard. I have to squat. Is that how you say it? Squat? The stairs, I used to go up like twelve stairs like it was nothing. But, now it’s as if I did two miles just getting up those stairs.