Kendra Castillo, sixteen, six months pregnant.

Kendra Castillo, sixteen, six months pregnant.

Kendra My name is Kendra Castillo I’m sixteen years old. I’m from Honduras and I have six months of my pregnancy.

Amanda What was your relationship with your boyfriend when you got pregnant?

Kendra We (had been dating for) 5 months and we were fighting a lot. And then after that we communicate better and I think that’s good.

Amanda So when he found out, how do you think he felt?

Kendra He felt happy because he wanted that.

Amanda What did he say?

Kendra That that was wonderful and he asked me how I feel. And when he know that I was sad, he feel bad because he told me that that was what he want and that he would help me.

Amanda How did your friends react?

Kendra They were so excited that they say, “I want to see the baby.” Like that. They were happy for me.

Amanda Do you have friends that already have babies?

Kendra I have one friend who has a baby. Her baby is so cute. It’s a girl. She’s so cute.

When my dad know that I was pregnant he tell me that he was very angry. He don’t talk to me. He told me a lot of things. He insult me. But I don’t care, I told him. He told me that he doesn’t want to see me anymore or nothing.

Amanda So how was being in school while you were pregnant. Do people react to you differently?

Kendra When the teacher know that I was pregant, they talk to me. They said that they were happy for me but that I have to do very well. They ask me if I’m going to have… I don’t know what they call it, aborto. And I said no.

Amanda Are you against abortion?

Kendra I don’t ever want to do it. When my dad know that I was pregnant he tell me that he was very angry. He don’t talk to me. He told me a lot of things. He insult me. But I don’t care, I told him. He told me that he doesn’t want to see me anymore or nothing.

Amanda Did he want you to have an abortion?

Kendra Mmmhhm. But I told him no because it wasn’t his baby. It’s my baby and I want it.

Amanda How about your mom.

Kendra She said I have to keep it because it is a baby. He have no culpa and I’d be guilty, and she said it’s better to have a baby.

Amanda How has the pregnancy been physically?

Kendra Sometimes I feel sick but it’s just a little and I feel good. The doctor said I’m doing great and that the baby is OK. Sometimes I don’t want to eat, but now I’m eating more because the doctor, he told me that that’s good for the baby.

Amanda How is your relationship with the baby’s dad now?

Kendra Yesterday we was together and it’s great because we are more together and he’s like with me. When I go to the doctor he’s there. It’s great.

Amanda When is the date for the baby to be born.

Kendra October 21, something like that.

Amanda How long do you think you will take off after the baby is born?

Kendra I don’t know. I think just a month.

Amanda If you could do your life over again, would you change the age that you first got pregnant?

Kendra Well I think it could be better, but no. I think it’s OK. It’s not normal but I think it’s good. I think it’s good. I think I’m ready.

Amanda What are the parts of being a mom that you are most excited about?

Kendra I don’t know. I’m just thinking about seeing my baby and being with him. It’s exciting because I like a lot of babies and it will be mine.

Kendra Castillo’s own photos.